3d printing machine

Additive Manufacturing UK (AMUK)

Additive Manufacturing UK (AMUK), is the UK's trade association for organisations who work within the additive and 3D printing eco-system.

As part of Manufacturing Technologies Association (MTA) cluster of associations, AMUK specifically looks to cover all aspects of Additive and 3D Printing Technology, from materials right through to post processing of parts. AMUK offers its members a range of services aimed at helping advance the development, adoption and use of Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Technology in the UK.

Member Spotlight

WAAM3D is a spin out company from Cranfield University. It was set up to provide a supply chain for Wire Arc Additive Manufacture (WAAM) technology developed through numerous major research programmes, often with industry partners from a wide range of sectors, since 2006. WAAM3D and Cranfield continue to work closely together through an integrated technology programme, providing the latest innovations and technology as rapidly as possible to customers and users.

Member News

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MTA Group

As the UK’s trade association for the additive manufacturing and 3-D printing industry, AMUK aims to promote the interests of our members and the wider sector. We are a member of the MTA’s cluster of associations, a collective that strives to champion engineering-based manufacturing on the national stage. The alliance includes the Manufacturing Technologies Association (MTA), the Engineering Industries Association (EIA), the MACH Exhibition, the Engineering Supply Chain Show and MTA Training.

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